Sadie Scott
I hit a wall! Well, that’s what it felt like. A young family, a growing business, a growing team, clients in 3 countries, regular weekly flights to London, Dublin, Amsterdam. What could possibly go wrong?
You see my attitude to success was failing me. I believed that if I just put my head down and worked through it - I could achieve anything. Hah! the universe had a very valuable lesson for me to learn and it bought me down to earth with a very large bump.
I was at the end of my 30’s, tired with lots of brain fog. Not good when I relied on my brain to stay sharp in meetings. Something needed to change or I would lose everything. It was 2011 and I needed to figure out how to be a successful businesswoman, an involved parent and an attentive wife. I needed to change my approach. I needed to survive success.
MS Millenium Marketing Ltd
I left school officially at 16 (unofficially 14 )into a depressed North-eastern economy with no qualifications. This was the 80’s with closing shipyards and closing coal mines. The era of YTS and ET training programmes. Which I did both of. I studied graphic design, trained as a youth worker and went on expedition to Borneo. I dabbled with MLM Amway and claimed my dole cheque. With no prospects I stumbled into door-to-door sales.
At 21 I learned about selling the hard way. How to deal with negatives, how to maintain a positive attitude, how to stay motivated. I learned about setting goals, working hard and improved my communication skills. I learned how to lead a sales team, how to teach them to sell and within 2 years headed off to Edinburgh to start my own Direct Sales company.
From 1995-2000 I got married and with my husband we ran our sales company in Edinburgh expanding the team to Glasgow, Dundee and south to the midlands.
From 2000 I retrained and opened my second company providing business admin and support to other Direct Sales companies. We moved to Perthshire and started our family. My business grew with clients throughout the UK. I took on clients in Ireland and Holland.
Bulletproof Coach
In 2011 I was struggling to keep it all together, the travel, the late nights, the early mornings. I was heavier than I wanted to be, my energy was tanking. Brain fog set in. Stress levels were high. Something had to change. How could I survive this ‘success’ I was having?
I discovered Tim Ferriss’s book The Four Hour Work Week and The Four Hour Body. These two books introduced me to the quantified self-movement and the weird and wonderful world of Bio hacking and Dave Asprey. In 2013 struggling to get the products and supplements I wanted, I secured a wholesale account with Bulletproof 360 and so Enhanced Nation was conceived. With no experience of importing goods, e-commerce & online sales I dove right in. In 2015 Bulletproof launched their Coaching programme and I jumped at the chance to be one of their first Bulletproof Coaches in the UK. Now rebranded as The Human Potential Institute.
For over 10 years now I have been focused on Health Optimisation. This focus has enabled me to run my 3 companies, stay sane and be present for my family.
The Scott Family
Today I still work with Direct Sales companies throughout the UK. With my husband we own and run a small Holiday Letting business and I provide business mentoring via Growbiz to small business owners throughout Scotland as well as private coaching clients. My skill set is wide and varied, but I absolutely love helping people figure out their why, understanding what motivates them and how to integrate that into their businesses. I take a holistic approach to success. Teaching others about the skills to be a high performer. Working on optimising Mind, Body and our personal Environments.
My latest tool is Bioresonance. In 2021 I trained at the International Paul Schmidt Academy to become a certified Bioresonance Practitioner according to Paul Schmidt. Understanding the energetics of the human body is another part of the health optimisation puzzle.
‘Know thyself’
Reading through my Bio it may all seem like lots of wins and success. Don’t be fooled – the journey has been fraught with many obstacles along the way. In fact, it’s the obstacles that have been my greatest teachers. The human condition is complex and often we struggle with life. School teaches us facts, there to produce good compliant workers. Traditional education doesn’t give us the skill sets we really need to survive and thrive as human beings.